Advantage of DBMS - it can improve your data processes and increase the business value of your organization's data assets, freeing users across the organization from repetitive and time-consuming data processing tasks. The result? A more productive workforce, better compliance with data regulations, and better decisions.

What is the advantage of using a database and a DBMS?

Faster data Access: The Database management system (DBMS) helps to produce quick answers to database queries thus making data access faster and more accurate. For example, to read or update the data.

Advantages of Database Management System

In contrast with the File Based Data Management System, Dbms has numerous benefits. We are putting light on some of the considerable benefits here–

  Data Integrity

Data integrity means data is consistent and accurate in the database. It is essential as there are multiple databases in DBMS. All these databases contain data which is visible to multiple users. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that data is consistent and correct in all databases for all users.

Data Security

Data security is a vital concept in a database. Only users authorized must be allowed to access the database and their identity must be authenticated using username and password. Unauthorized users shouldn’t be allowed to access the database under any circumstances as it violets the integrity constraints.

A DBMS provides a better platform for data privacy thus helping companies to offer an improved data security.

 Better data integration

Due to the database management system, we have access to well managed and synchronized form of data making it easy to handle. It also gives an integrated view of how a particular organization is working and keeps track of how one segment of the company affects another segment.

Minimized Data Inconsistency

Data inconsistency occurs between files when various versions of the same data appear in different places. Data consistency is ensured in the database; there is no data redundancy. Besides, any database changes are immediately reflected by all users, and there is no data inconsistency. 

 Faster Data Access

The database management system helps the users to produce quick answers to queries making data accessing accurate and faster.

For any given dataset, dbms can help in solving insightful financial queries like:

  •  What is the bonus given to every salesperson in the last two months?
  •  How many customers have a credit score or more than 800?
  •  What is last year’s profit?
  •  Better decision making

Due to DBMS, we now have improved and managed data accessing because of which we can generate better quality information which can hence make better decisions.

Better quality ultimately improves validity, accuracy and time it takes to read data. It doesn’t guarantee data quality; it provides a framework to make it easy to enhance data quality.


DBMS allows us to understand data better with a clear and simple logical view. With dbms, many operations like deletion, insertion or creation of file or data, are easy to implement.

 Recovery and Backup

DBMS automatically takes care of recovery and backup. The users are not required to take periodical backup as this is taken care of by DBMS. Besides, it also restores a database after a system failure or crash to prevent its previous condition.

Increased end-user productivity

The available data transform into helpful information with the help of combination tools. It helps end users make better, informative and quick decisions that can make the difference between success and failure in the global economy.

Additionally, today DBMS is also serving as the backbone of several advanced Technology practices like Data Science, Data Modelling and Machine Learning. So, if you are someone looking for a career in analytics or automation then dbms is a must have skill for you.


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