Embedded Data Manipulation Language (EDML) is a type of programming language that allows users to embed data manipulation commands directly into the source code of an application. EDML is used to manipulate data stored in a database from within an application.

EDML is often used in conjunction with a host programming language such as Java, C++, or Python. EDML commands are embedded within the source code of an application, and they can be executed by the database management system (DBMS) to retrieve or modify data in the database.

EDML commands are similar to Interactive Data Manipulation Language (IDML) commands, but they are embedded within the code of an application rather than entered into a separate command-line interface or GUI.

Some common examples of EDML commands include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. These commands are used to retrieve, add, modify, and delete data stored in a database.

EDML is an essential tool for developing database-driven applications, and it is widely used by developers who need to integrate database functionality into their applications. EDML allows developers to manipulate data stored in a database seamlessly, making it easier to develop robust and scalable applications.


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